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Journal : Hang Tuah Medical Journal

Aliskiren: Direct Renin Inhibitor Baru Pada Terapi Hipertensi N. P. U. S. DEWI; I. G. A. A. E. AMANDARI; M. W.KRISNAYANTI; M. A. SARASMITA
HANG TUAH MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol 16 No 1 (2018): Hang Tuah Medical Journal
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

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Abstract Hypertension is a condition when blood pressure increases chronically. Referring to the results of Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas), Bali has a proportion of hypertension of 19.9%. Several epidemiological studies suggest that the risk of damage to various vital organs directly correlates with an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, it takes regularity in controlling and also taking antihypertensive drugs. The most common antihypertensive drugs currently used are angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). However, previous findings suggest that ACEI and ARB have not been fully effective in lowering blood pressure. To overcome these weaknesses, found a new direct renin inhibitor that is aliskiren. Aliskiren can block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) at the highest level, so the ability of aliskiren in lowering blood pressure can not be doubted. Aliskiren able to inhibit the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, so it can lower blood pressure in a sustainable manner.
HANG TUAH MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol 16 No 1 (2018): Hang Tuah Medical Journal
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

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ABSTRACT Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DMT2) is a medical condition characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels exceeding normal limits. World Health Organization (WHO) states that the number of DMT2 patients in Indonesia has increased from 8.4 million patients in 2000 to 21.3 million patients in 2030, which is 90% of them are patients with DMT2. Pathophysiology of DMT2 is a complex process and involves many factors. The ominous octet concept proposed by Ralph DeFronzo plays an important role to explain the pathophysiology of DMT2. The kidneys are organs that have a significant role to control blood glucose to stay within normal limits, thus being considered to be targets of new drug therapies. Sodium glucose co-transporters (SGLTs) such as SGLT-2 facilitate the reabsorption of glucose into plasma. Pharmacokinetics of the SGLT-2 inhibitors generally show good bioavailability when administered orally. DMT2 is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The presence of an inhibitory mechanism in SGLT-2 will benefit the reno-cardiovascular system through decrease in blood glucose, weight, and blood pressure. SGLT-2 inhibitors have some favorable adjunctive effects for metabolic syndrome, such as weight loss, decreased blood pressure (especially systolic), as well as decreased serum uric acid
Co-Authors A.A.R Karsana A.H Jaya Anisa Nova Puspitaningrum Cahyadi, Maria Fiani Cahyadi, Maria Fiani Cia Intania Warnaya Dewantara Putra, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dyah Aryani Perwitasari Eka Indra Setyawan Gina Noor Djalilah Haafizah Dania Hendra Jaya A. I Dewa Agung Ayu Divacandraningrat I GUSTI A. A. E. AMANDARI I Gusti Ayu Artini Ekajaya Amandari I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara Putra I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta i made suardhika I Wayan Karta I Wayan Karta I. G. A. A. E. AMANDARI Ida Ayu Jasminarti Dwi Kusumawardani Ida Ayu Sintya Deviyanthi Ida Bagus Ngurah Rai Imaniar Noor Faridah Kadek Nadia Marta Dewi Kosasih, Diah Ayu Nirmala Kosasih, Diah Ayu Nirmala Lalu Muhammad Irham Larasaty, Luh Putu Febryana Lestari, N. K. S. Luh Putu Ayu Meryta Luh Putu Febriana Larasanty Luh Putu Febryana Larasanty Luh Putu Febryana Larasaty M. W.KRISNAYANTI MADE WINDA KRISNAYANTI Made Winda Krisnayanti Maliza, Rita Maria Fiani Cahyadi Melodia Rezadhini N. K. S. Lestari N. M. R. A. M Samba N. N. F. Sukarmini N. P. U. S. DEWI N.N.S.M. Arwanawati Ni Luh Putu Eka Arisanti Ni Made Ayu Wistari Ni Made Rai Sudarni Ni Nyoman Abigail Triastuti Ni Nyoman Della Yanti Ni Putu Ayu Widiasari Ni Putu Linda Laksmiani NI PUTU U. S. DEWI Ni Putu Uma Sari Dewi Ni Wayan Candrawati Ni Wayan Wirayanti P.B.P.P. Budiartha P.C.I. Warnaya Rocky Cheung Samba, N. M. R. A. M Sari, Ni Putu Latsartika Sari, Ni Putu Latsartika Sudarni, Ni Made Rai Sudarni, Ni Made Rai Sukarmini, N. N. F. Wayan Risma Iswari Wirawan Adikusuma Wistari, Ni Made Ayu Wistari, Ni Made Ayu